
Factory for Rent in Chennai / Factory for Sale

Factories are ever-booming in Tamil Nadu. All Warehouses is actively engaged in assisting its valued clients in the Purchase and Sale of Micro, Small, Medium and large-scale Factory for Rent in Chennai as well as Factory for Sale in Chennai.


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We frequently have the following Factories available for Rent/ Sale/ Lease:

As per DCMSE, there is rapid Industrial development in the fields of Hosiery & readymade garments, Paper products, Machinery parts, metal products, Electrical & machinery apparatus, Food & Rubber products, Chemical & pharma products.

In Spite of the rapid Industrialization, many Factories are on Rent or Sale due to varied reasons like Scaling issues, failure to adapt to technological changes, financial/ credit issues, recession in demand for the product, Units needing modernization, competition from International markets etc.

There is a useful resource from DCMSME, a government undertaking summarizing active Small-scale Industries in Chennai as of Sept’ 2020 which contribute in a big way to the overall state production. 

A strong Industrial infrastructure is the backbone for the development of any country. We facilitate the process by accelerating the acquisition of required factories at the most appropriate location at the right price and within the given time range.

You can rely on us for any type of Factory for Rent in Chennai/ Factory for Sale in Chennai/ Industrial factory for Lease needs within Chennai and neighboring areas.

What is the difference in construction Structure of a Warehouse and a Factory?

The difference between Warehouse and a Factory structure explained in detail:

  • Warehouse
  • Factory
Features Warehouse Factory
Location Any where based at demand centres Located where all infrastructure is available for manufacturing of goods and services, ideallySIPCOT/ SIDCO (Government industrial parks) are most preferred
Power 3 phase is sufficient High tension Power connection required to run heavy equipments and machinery
Floor height 1.2 mts above plinth level, so that containers can reverse load and unload goods 0.5 mts above ground level so that the trailers can enter the shed load for loading and unloading of heavy equipments
Flooring load bearing Capacity 5 metric ton / sqmt. 6-7 metric ton/sq mt for Vertical stacking, reducing the rental of the warehouses 10 – 15 metric ton / sqmt depending on machinery and load
Flooring type Laser Screen flooring is ideal Dust free Epoxy flooring
Loading bays and canopy Dock levelers needed with loading bays and canopy Ramp is ideal for heavy machinery
Ceiling Height 13 ft width – Normally 1 shutter per 5000 sft ab ove 18 ft (to allow movement of containers within the shed) – minimal number of shutters
Ceiling Height To accommodate racking and vertical stacking Height required for EoT and for temperature control
Type of building RCC or PEB normally Most commonly PEB (ACC for older structures)
EOT Crane (Electric overhead traveling) Not required as forklifts can manage the movement of goods Required to carry heavy load
Container access Loading and Unloading of goods takes place outside the warehouse, sufficient parking is required for parking of vehicles. Loading and Unloading of goods takes place within the factory itself
Employee Safety Required, If Hazardous goods are stored, need to follow the safety procedures set by the Government Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions of workers to be followed without deviation as per Government norms
Fire Safety Required Depending on items stored – basic extinguishers and Hydrants are the norm of the day, without these Fire NOC cannot be obtained – Sprinklers depend on the material stored. The building should have a wide setback to enable fire engines to travel around. Fire Hydrants with high storage water tank, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Sprinkler, Smoke Detectors and fire fighting drills at regular intervals are Mandatory requirements. Newer requirements included fire curtains and fire tunnels.
ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant )/ STP (Sewage Treatment Plants) Not required, as goods are only stored Mandatory to ensure that the effluents are treated before releasing any waste into the drain and also recycling of water for landscaping purposes.
Water source Minimum quantity required Depending on the type of operation large quantity may be required
Pollution Control Certificate Normal NOC is sufficient Depend on the types of goods produced
Color Zoning Criteria based on polluting norms Applicable only for Hazardous and Explosive goods (PESO) Green, Orange , Red ratings on the pollution level generated by them


We frequently have the following Factories available for Rent/ Sale/ Lease in Chennai:

1. Food Factory
2.Factories for Lease
3.Industrial factory
4.Closed factory
5.Ice factory
6.Garment factory
7.Pharma factory
8. Marble factory
9. Food processing factory
10. Steel factory
11. Factory building
12. Soap factory
13. Biscuit factory
14. Factory property
15. Wine factory

The following factors should be considered before taking a Factory for rent in Chennai or anywhere in India:-

Infra Outside
Electricity & Power Backup
Water & ETP
Pollution NOC
Labour , Manpower , Public Transport
EOT Crane Provision
RCC Concrete floor, Epoxy Dust free
Ramps in the Shed
Labour Safety, First Aid
Office Room with view of the factory floor
Heat Exchange Insulation , Ventilators , cooling (HVAC)
Fire Safety & markings
Approvals & NOCs
Solar Power & Green Space
Open Space for storage of raw materials
Open space for Storage of finished goods


If you are looking for an Industrial Shed for Rent in Chennai or places other than these, get in touch with our Team of experts.

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